HOTEL MEXICOはBBC 6music閉鎖に反対します。
HOTEL MEXICO is against to BBC 6music closure.
そう思って、twitterでsave BBC 6musicのtwibbonに参加しました。
「いつか6musicでHOTEL MEXICOの曲が流れたら・・・」
みなさんにこのBBC 6music閉鎖危機について知ってもらえたらと思います。
Have your say on the proposed closure of 6music
I think some actions are valued TO DO NOW.
so, we show our support for BBC 6music on twitter.
It is too tiny click to call it an Action.
but I hope some viewers would be alerted.
As one music listenr, I love 6music.
from the stand of a listenr,
and the stand of a player who is dreaming that
HOTEL MEXICO's song would be aired on 6music one day,
I want you to know that 6music is facing to closure now.
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